Our advice to optimize your shipping costs

Many of you ask us for tips on how to optimize your shipping costs when you ship with Easy Delivery. We have decided to gather our best tips here, so that you can benefit from them. Let's get started!

  • Tip #1: Get a Premium Easy Delivery subscription

On Easy Delivery, we offer you a Premium subscription  sans engagement à partir de 3,25€ HT par mois. Pour pouvoir en bénéficier, il suffit d’avoir un compte Paypal actif et un compte Easy Delivery (mais ça, vous l’aviez déjà compris 😉 ) 

This subscription gives you access to several options and benefits, including three that allow you to make real savings on your forwarding: 

  • 10 extra days of free storage (for a total of 30 days instead of 20) that will allow you to wait for the arrival of several orders to group them together. 
  • 10% discount on all your shipments during the subscription period.
  • L’option de regroupement (1,50€/colis HT depuis la France et 1,70€/colis HT depuis les USA) pour pouvoir de regrouper plusieurs commandes en un seul carton.

With these options and advantages, the cost of the subscription is paid back in 1 shipment! 

And if you are not convinced, go to our article dedicated to the Premium subscription and its advantages.

abonnement premium easy delivery
  • Tip #2: Group several orders together


To optimize your shipping costs for sure: nothing better than placing several orders. Often, our customers hesitate to place more than one order for fear of seeing the shipping costs take off. In fact, the opposite is true. Indeed, at Easy Delivery, shipping costs are degressive: the heavier the package, the lower the price per kilo.

With the bundle option, you have the ability to shop all your favorite sites at once and have all your packages bundled into one. 

Once you have made your consolidation request on Easy Delivery, our logisticians will carry out a customized consolidation. They start by removing all unnecessary packaging and boxes to keep only the objects. They then group everything together in a more compact box. This avoids unnecessary loss of space and therefore an increase in costs. 

In some cases, consolidation divides the shipping costs by three or four, depending on the weight and size of the packages. 

L’option de regroupement est accessible avec un abonnement Premium et coûte 1,50€/colis HT depuis la France et 1,70€/colis HT depuis les USA. Et le mieux dans tout ça : il n’y a pas de limite pour le nombre de colis pouvant être regroupés. S’ils ne peuvent pas tous tenir dans un carton, nos logisticiens réalisent une deuxième consolidation. Dans tous les cas, vous économisez sur vos frais de transport.

  • Tip #3: Choose your carrier according to your needs 


When choosing your carrier, take the time to compare the delivery times, rates and offerings of each carrier. 

The differences in rates between each carrier can be quite significant depending on the service offered (see our article on carriers and their specificities). 

Depending on the type of merchandise, your degree of patience or the budget you wish to allocate to your shipment, your choice of carrier will not be the same and inevitably neither will the rate. 

For example, if you need express delivery with courier and signature, choose UPS or DHL. They are Premium carriers and therefore more expensive. On the contrary, if you are not in a hurry, choose Colissimo, which is an economical offer.

Taking the time to choose your carrier will prevent you from paying more for a service you don't really need. 

Do you have other tips for optimizing your shipping costs? Share them in the comments!