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3 Ways To Be Disappointed With Parcel Forwarding (And How To Avoid It)

3 façons d'être déçu(e) avec la réexpédition de colis et comment l'éviter

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How de bo not disappointed when forwarding a package?

You have just done your first parcel forwarding with a specialized service and you are disappointed by your experience? Here are some tips to avoid unpleasant surprises! They are valid for all the forwarding services you will find online and even at Easy Delivery !

The first mistake that "beginners" regularly make in forwarding: not calculating the transport costs before placing the order. Result: a large package arrives in the warehouse and the shipping costs are very high. 

To avoid this, you almost always have a rate simulator available on the forwarding site you use. This simulator is often accessible without registration and allows you to calculate the transport costs without obligation.

By the way, to know how to find the dimensions and weight of your packages BEFORE you place your order, follow our guidebook.

When forwarding a parcel abroad, you have several costs to take into account: 

  • The items you will buy
  • Possible delivery costs to the warehouse
  • Forwarding costs and options you can choose
  • The customs duties
  • The dock dues if you live in the DOM

It is therefore important to have all these costs in mind before you start! To estimate in advance the customs or dock fees, you can go to Simply Duty or on the site of Colissimo.

A tip that may surprise you: order more to pay less! 

For optimize your shipmentthere is nothing better than grouping several packages together. This allows you to have a final package with more value but also more compact. Thus, the shipping costs are less important.

Many times, customers order only a very small package to test. Here's why it's not a good idea: 

  • The shipping costs are degressive: the more weight you have, the lower the price per kilo.
  • Under 1kg, you are in the highest price bracket! 
  • As the value of the package is often small, the shipping costs will not be optimized

En suivant ces 3 conseils, votre expérience dans la réexpédition de colis devrait largement s’améliorer et vous ne serez plus déçu(e) avec la réexpédition de colis!

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Easy Delivery est un service de réexpédition de colis depuis la France et les Etats-Unis créé en 2015. Au fil des années, nous avons rendu service à des milliers de personnes dans le monde en leur fournissant de bons conseils pour leurs réexpéditions. Nous les partageons aujourd’hui avec vous !

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