When you want to register on a French shopping platform like Le Bon Coin or Vintedyou will be asked for a French phone number. Problem: many of you do not live in France and therefore do not have a French number.
Your solution: a virtual phone number. What is it? How does it work? We tell you everything!
It is a phone number that is not physically linked to a SIM card. So your virtual number is recorded on an application, and calls and messages go through the internet. It works like your mailbox: you can connect to it with any internet network.
The services of virtual numbers pass through applications, to be installed in a few clicks on your phone.
This allows you to access phone numbers in more than 60 different countries, regardless of your country of residence. And this without needing a second phone or a second SIM card!
This allows you to access multiple sites and services.
Some purchasing platforms require a French phone number to validate an account. This is the case, for example, of Vinted, Le Bon Coin or Ebay.
Some services such as Klarna (payment in 3 times free of charge) also require a French phone number to access the account.
In addition, using a French number on French sales sites, can allow you to receive offers by SMS or even the tracking information of your package.
By the way, Easy Delivery delivers your French shopping anywhere in the world.
There are many French virtual telephone number platforms. We have chosen to present two of the best known.
Onoff The French service
Founded in 2013, the Onoff application provides, among other things, French numbers certified by Arcep. This gives you a “real” phone number attached to your Onoff application.
The company also offers telephone numbers from 33 countries around the world.
In terms of rates, you will find two options:
- Starter pack : National calls and SMS, voice mail, etc. for €9.99 per month when you live in DOM-TOM or abroad. Find the details here (https://www.onoff.app/en/offers/)
- Premium pack : better call quality, mobile app + web, etc. for €13.48.
Sonetel The cheaper one
Sonetel is an American platform that offers ultra-customizable packages.
You can choose the country of your phone number, your country of residence and the number of minutes you want to call. Of course, you can also receive text messages on your virtual number. Prices are very competitive and start at less than €1 for some destinations (example: a few cents for Guadeloupe).
Have you tried other virtual number services?
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